ευαγγελιον κ̣ατ̣α μαθ᾽θαιον (euangelion kata Maththaion). Dated to late 2nd or early 3rd century, it is the earliest manuscript title for Matthew
This is the twelfth part of a twelve-part sermon series on the Gospel According to Matthew. Dr. Thiel begins by discussing the the ten virgins, the midnight cry, talents, sheep & goats, and some differences between true and false Christians, He later goes into Jesus betrayal, spending of funds to do the work, the time of Passover, wrong perceptions, and Jesus' arrest. Dr. Thiel explains that even seeing real miracles is not accepted by people, nor are the relatively rare dreams from God. He discusses the resurrection and lies spread at the time. Dr. Thiel concludes by explaining some of how the Continuing Church of God understands Jesus' statements in Matthew 28:19-29 and how it has fulfilled part of it. Dr. Thiel reads each and every verse in the twenty-fifth through twenty-eighth chapters in Matthew’s Gospel.
A written article of possibly related interest is titled "Jesus: The Son of God and Saviour" URL:
Here is a link to the first part of the sermon series: Matthew 1-2: Greek or Aramaic, Jesus, and the Star?
Second part of the sermon series: Matthew 3-5: John the Baptist, Temptations, and the Beatitudes
Third part of the sermon series: Matthew 5-6: Charitable Deeds, the Rosary, Prayer, the Golden Rule, and Faith
Fourth part of the sermon series: Matthew 8-10: Married Clergy, Faith, Coming Persecution, and the Ecumenical Agenda
Fifth part of the sermon series: Matthew 11-12: John the Elijah, Sodom, Unpardonable Sin, & 3 Days and 3 Nights
Sixth part of the sermon series: Matthew 13-14: Parables, Mustard Seeds, Birthdays, and Faith
Seventh part of the sermon series: Matthew 15-16: Tradition, Signs of the Times, and The Rock & Peter
Eighth part of the sermon series: Matthew 17-18: Transfiguration, Elijah to Come, Taxes, and Forgiveness
Ninth part of the sermon series: Matthew 19-20: Transgender? Divorce? Purgatory? The first shall be last?
Tenth part of the sermon series: Matthew 21-23: 'Palm Sunday,' Come as You Are?, and the Greatest Commandments
Eleventh part of the sermon series: Matthew 24: Temple Destruction, Sorrows, Tribulation, and the Return of Jesus