5 Ways Christians Can Biblically Celebrate Halloween?

Woman wearing a Halloween Mask (Pexels)


A recent article at Christianity.com was titled '5 Ways Christians Can Biblically Celebrate Halloween.' Is that the case? What were the "five ways"? What were the scriptures given? What were many scriptures that were overlooked? What about witches, costumes, trick-or-treating, and other things associated with Halloween? Are 'All Saints Day' and 'All Souls Day' Christian holidays? Should Christians pray to dead saints to intervene? Is the 'Washington Post' correct that Halloween is a Christian, not pagan holiday? What about the influence of Druids, Celts, and Samhein? Protestant Pastor Alan Rudnik's '7 ways Christians can take back Halloween'? Does that Bible endorse any Fall holy days--if so is Halloween one of them? Does Satan have ministers who look good, but are really promoting lawlessness? What did the Apostle Paul write about blending demonic practices with biblically-connected ones? What did Jesus teach about traditions of men in conflict with the word of God? Dr. Thiel goes over numerous scriptures and sources related to whether or not Halloween can be considered a true Christian holiday.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Reasons False Christians Give to Celebrate Halloween’

Youtube video link: 5 Ways Christians Can Biblically Celebrate Halloween?

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Reasons False Christians Give to Celebrate Halloween

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