Koine Greek Papyrus P13 fragment from the Book of Hebrews
(Public domain via Wikimedia)
This sermon is the fourth part of a multipart sermon series covering each and every verse of the Book of Hebrews. This sermon covers the 8th, 9th, and 10th chapters. Dr. Thiel begins by reading the first verse in chapter 8 and covers each verse of the three chapters in this sermon. He also supplies comments from the late Herbert W. Armstrong. Dr. Thiel discusses why Christians do not need to sacrifice animals and can boldly call out to Jesus, our High Priest. He also goes into details about the new covenant and explains why it is not completely in place yet, a connection to the marriage supper, and when people will enter it. Dr. Thiel encourages people to serve and obey God in order to be faithful Philadelphian Christians. He also discusses how to fellowship, even for those who are scattered.
A written article of related interest is available at this link: 'Comments on Hebrews’
Sermon series:
Part 1 Hebrews 1-2 & Angels: An Introduction
Part 2 Hebrews 3-4: Belief & the Sabbath
Part 3 Hebrews 5-7: Teach & Melchizedek the High Priest
Part 4 Hebrews 8-10: Entering the New Covenant
Part 5: Hebrews 11-12: Faith–Yes, the Diligent are Rewarded
Part 6: Let Philadelphia Continue
Youtube video link: Hebrews 8-10: Entering the New Covenant
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HEBREWS Comments on Hebrews. Dr. Thiel goes over verses in the Book of Hebrews. Here are links to related sermons: Hebrews 1-2 & Angels: An Introduction, Hebrews 3-4: Belief & the Sabbath, Hebrews 5-7: Teach & Melchizedek the High Priest, and Hebrews 8-10: Entering the New Covenant.
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