This sermon is the second part of a multipart sermon covering each and every verse of the Book of Hebrews. This sermon covers the 3rd and 4th chapters. Dr. Thiel begins by going over an introduction to chapter 3 from the late Herbert W. Armstrong, who discusses God’s plan, Solomon’s successes and vanity, striving for things, the benefits of obeying the laws of God, and the priesthood of Jesus. Dr. Thiel covers the chapters in the book. He also goes over warnings from the Apostle Jude as well as reads from numerous translations of passages in Hebrews by Greco-Roman Catholic, Jehovah’s Witness, and Protestant scholars that demonstrate that the keeping of the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) is what the New Testament teaches. Dr. Thiel also refers to Greek, Aramaic, Latin, and Hebrew translations of Hebrews 4:9 that show that as well. Scriptures that warn about rebellion from God’s government and hardening the heart were also read. Belief, enduring, and going to Jesus as our High Priest on the throne were also emphasized.
A written article of related interest is available at this link: 'Comments on Hebrews’
Sermon series:
Part 1 Hebrews 1-2 & Angels: An Introduction
Part 2 Hebrews 3-4: Belief & the Sabbath
Youtube video link: Hebrews 3-4: Belief & the Sabbath - YouTube
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