Sixth Commandment: Murder, Anger, Kindness, And Love


The sixth commandment states, "You shall not murder." How did Jesus extend the understanding of that command? What did He teach about anger and treating enemies? What did the Old Testament teach about anger? What does the New Testament teach about violence, anger, kindness, and self-control? If early Christians would not voluntarily be part of the military, when did that change? Did Roman Emperor Constantine influence this? Did the Greco-Roman saint and bishop Gregory of Nyssa teach that it was fine to hate and fight against those with differing religious views? Would early Christians watch violent sports? Should modern Christians watch sports that, when played according to the rules, results in bodily harm? Have many religious leaders gone "the way of Cain"? How can you reduce anger? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled "SIXTH COMMANDMENT: Anger, Murder, Abortion, Sports, Self-Control, & Kindness "


A free book is available titled: The Ten Commandments: The Decalogue, Christianity, and the Beast

Related Sermon: The Ten Commandments and the Beast of Revelation

First Commandment: The Most Violated Commandment and Priorities

Second Commandment: The Second Commandment, Idols, and Icons

Third Commandment: Third Commandment Plus: Words Matter

Fourth Commandment: Fourth Commandment: Saturday or Sunday?

Fifth Commandment: Honor Your Parents and Rule Honorably