God’s Temple in Prophecy

Artist’s Portrayal of the Destruction of 2nd Temple in Jerusalem


A common view held by many who are interested in prophecy is that a massive Jewish temple needs to be rebuilt in Jerusalem prior to Jesus returning. Protestant writers like the late Dr. Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins (of the Left Behind series fame) have asserted that those who read the prophecies literally believe that Jesus, the prophet Daniel, and apostles like John and Paul "all taught that Israel's third temple will be rebuilt" around the time of the start of the Great Tribulation. Can the Jews build the "temple of God" during the church age? Who does the Bible teach are the temple of God? Have many overlooked the fact that the Greek terms 'hieron' and 'naos' are not the same, even though they are translated the same in English? What was the position of Sabbath keepers in the 19th and 20th centuries? Is there a building in Jerusalem that seems to have ashlar brick rocks from Herod's temple? Does the Temple Institute or the re-constituted Sanhedrin believe they must have a massive third Jewish temple in order to resume daily sacrifices? What did they directly tell Dr. Thiel about this? Did Ezekiel write of a physical temple? What temple will Jesus return to related to Malachi 3? What was the position of the old Worldwide Church of God? Might some be deceived into not knowing when the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21) will begin because of their insistence that the Bible teaches something that it does not? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled "Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required?"