The fifth of the Ten Commandments (fourth commandment according to the Roman Catholics and Lutherans) says to honor your mother and father. Is there a promise associated with that commandment? Did Adam and Eve dishonor God, who was their Father? Are parents supposed to teach their children and act honorably? How does one rule one's household well? What about love? What about correction and discipline? What about dishonorable parents? Are government officials to be given honor? Are husbands and wives to love each other and be willing to submit to each other? Do teens and adults need to honor their parents? Should you forgive parents who are not honorable? Did Jesus say this parental command meant that children may need to financially support their aging parents? Should you financially enable parents to sin? Was disobedience to parents prophesied for the last days? Whether or not you are a parent, are you to be honorable? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more by going over numerous scriptures as well as some writings from the old Radio and Worldwide Church of God.
A written article of related interest is available titled "FIFTH COMMANDMENT: Honor and Be Honorable "