Are Christians supposed to keep the Sabbath? If so, when: Saturday or Sunday? What do the Hebrew scriptures teach? What does the New Testament teach? What day was Jesus 'Lord of'? What do the Gospels and the Book of Hebrews teach? Which day is the seventh day? When is the Sabbath? Did Christians in Jerusalem keep the seventh-day Sabbath? What about Gentiles in Antioch, Asia Minor, Arabia, Armenia, Ethiopia, and the British Isles? What about possibly India and China? Does the Bible endorse the eighth day as the weekly Sabbath? What about Gnostic and pagan influence? What about the false 'Gospel of Peter' or the false 'Letter of Jesus'? Did Ignatius of Antioch or the Didache do away with the seventh-day Sabbath for Sunday? Did Emperor Hadrian forbid proper Sabbath-keeping in Jerusalem after the Bar Kochba revolt of 132-135 A.D.? Did Justin Martyr advocate for the Day said of Helios? Do Roman Catholic prelates teach that their church changed from Saturday to Sunday on its, and not scriptural, authority? Have Baptist, Lutheran, and Presbyterian leaders acknowledged that Sunday worship services did not come from the Bible? What was the early tradition of the original catholic Christians? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more.
A free online book of related interest is available titled "Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church"
Another free online book of related interest is also available titled " The Ten Commandments: The Decalogue, Christianity, and the Beast"