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What did Jesus teach about persecutions? Should Christians expect name calling and being falsely taught against? Did the Apostle Paul warn about this as well as evil deceivers increasing in the end times? Were early Christians ever murderous persecutors? Did Emperor Constantine stick to his religious tolerance 'Edict of Milan' in 313? What about his edict against heretics in 331? What types of persecution did Emperor Theodosius implement? Has there been a history of attempting to cancel Christian speech and practices, which were sometimes followed by physical persecution? Have Greco-Roman Catholics been involved with persecutions against believers? What about Protestants like Martin Luther or John Calvin? What about Big Tech? What about actions from Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Twitter? Is shadow banning consistent with cancel culture? Is more persecution coming? Do Greco-Roman prophecies about the 'Great Monarch' look forward to Christians being persecuted? Could the European Union's Digital Services Act and European Public Prosecutor's Office be factors in future persecution? Will faithful members of the holy covenant instruct many? Will identifying the coming King of the North trigger persecution? Will there be more persecution of the Philadelphian Christians prior to the start of the Great Tribulation? What will happen to the Laodiceans? Which Christians will be protected from the coming hour of trial, which starts with the Great Tribulation? Will the persecuting Beast, False Prophet, and those with the mark of the beast be punished? Will God reward the faithful Christians who endure persecution? Dr. Thiel addresses these and more in this sermon.
A written article of related interst is available titled "Persecutions by Church and State"