COVID-19: The End of American Exceptionalism?

The US Bill of Rights

The US Bill of Rights


Could government actions related to COVID-19 be showing the end of American exceptionalism? The USA used to at least give lip service to its the Bill of Rights in its Constitution. But now, not so much. What do the first, fourth, and fourteenth amendments to the US Constitution supposedly guarantee? Tucker Carlson stated, "For 250 years, Americans have enjoyed the unfettered right to practice their faith as they choose. Now they don’t. ... Now that we’ve ceded all authority in the country to our political leaders, what can’t they do? What are the limits to their power?" What about John Winthrop's “A Model of Christian Charity” sermon delivered on March 21, 1630 where he quoted Jesus' statement in Matthew 5:14 in the Sermon on the Mount about being the City upon a Hill? About being an example? This has been referred to by at least three who became President of the United States, including John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama. Why, instead, did the World Health Organization's Dr. Mike Ryan (the WHO’s top emergencies expert) point to Sweden as being an example for the world? Will a coming man of sin, son of perdition want himself and his government worshiped above all others? Will this pandemic shatter the perception of American exceptionalism? Will this end in 666? Dr. Thiel covers these matters and more.

A written article of related interest is titled "Tucker Carlson: Occasionally, you’ll hear some lonely civil libertarian fret that we may be on a “slippery slope” toward losing our rights. If only. We’re already there." URL:

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