Should Europe Still Consider Itself a US Ally

(Photo from Pexels)

Brought to you by the Continuing Church of God. “Bringing you news and analysis of world events in light of Bible prophecy.” This is a mandate of the Continuing Church of God.

The United States is unwilling to continue to offer aid to Ukraine.

The United States’ commitment to European security is unclear.

Europe is nervous.

Some leaders in Europe “agree they must strengthen their defense capabilities”.

Europe is dedicating huge amounts of money to weapons.

And Europe’s military technology is advancing at breakneck speed.

Revelation 13 tell us of a “beast with a mortal head wound” this is Europe.

The Bible asks –“who can make war with the beast?”

Is WWIII on the horizon?

What nation is Lamentations 1:1-2 referring to and who are her “friends”?

Dr. Thiel will shine the light of Biblical prophecy on the answers to these questions. Answers from the verses of the Bible that bring prophecy to life.

Read the full article to this video titled 'EU meets to militarize and ask/discuss ‘Should Europe still consider itself a US ally?’ at this link: EU meets to militarize and ask/discuss ‘Should Europe still consider itself a US ally?’ - Church of God News

Youtube video link: Should Europe Still Consider Itself a US Ally