COVID 19: Prelude to a New World Order?


Could COVID-19 be a prelude to a better society, a better new world order? Some think so. Will the novel coronavirus kill the 'New World Order' that people like Pat Buchanon dread? Should we 'beware of plans to build back better'? Are more in Europe looking for an authoritarian leader now? Will Europe get one? What does the Bible teach? What about the coming, 'time of Jacob's trouble,' the Great Tribulation, and final 'time of the Gentiles'? What did German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas say happened to European unity during this crisis? Does he want a multilaterial new world order that is not dominated by the United States and United Kingdom? Is Europe working towards implementing an end time Babylonian system that the Bible warns against, but that certain Catholic prophecies look forward to? Is the 'great prince of the north' the dreaded 'king of the north'? Will he work with the final Antichrist? Will the coming European 'empire of the north' destroy the strongest fortresses? Will the fortresses, the military strength, of the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand cease in accordance with the prophecy in Isaiah 17:3? Is Europe prophesied to reorganize and eliminate all republics? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this scripture filled analysis and commentary.

A written article is also available titled "USA Today: Coronavirus gives us a chance to rebuild society together. Let’s not blow it." URL:

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