Groundhog Day Celebration in Punxsutawney (Wikipedia)
Groundhog Day Movie, IMDB
Groundhog Day is a popular American tradition observed in the United States and Canada on February 2nd, that science shows is essentially based on a myth. In 1993, there was a movie starring Bill Murray as Phil Connors titled 'Groundhog Day.' It has become a cultural icon in a sense in the USA. In the movie, Phil ends up in a time loop where everyday is February 2nd. This goes on for at least ten years. At first, Phil pursues various lusts of the flesh. But eventually, he tires of the vanity of it all. Instead of being a selfish taker, he becomes a giver. Once he has learned whatever he is supposed to learn, he finally awakes to a new day and a new life. Are there lessons here for Christians? What are some of them? Can we learn anything from Jonah and his being swallowed by a great fish? What should Christians do each day? What shouldn't Christians do? What about the mystery of God's plan and the Kingdom of God? Dr. Thiel goes over these topics and more in this scripture filled video he relates to comments about the movie 'Groundhog Day.'
Two free online booklets announced in the podcast were:
1) 'The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN: Why Did God Create Anything? Why did God make you?'