The Books of the Old Testament


What are the Books of the Old Testament? Were they prophesied to be preserved? Approximately when were they written? What language(s) was the Old Testament written in? Could Moses have written the five books (called the Pentateuch or Torah) ascribed to him? Was there any relationship between ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and proto-Hebrew? What about proto-Phoenician or proto-Canaanite alphabet? Was any part of the Old Testament written in Aramaic or Greek? Has Dr. Doug Petrovich claimed that Hebrew was the oldest alphabetical/proto-consonantal writing, reaching back to c. 1842 B.C.E. according to the Sinai 377 rock inscription? Could the Renfrsheri Stele known, as Sinai 115, place the Hebrews in Egypt then? Or 1840 B.C.E.? What are the books of the Hebrew Bible according to the Jewish Encyclopedia of 1906 and the first century historian Josephus? Did Church of God leader Melito of Sardis go to Judea/Palestine, refer to the Hebrew scriptures as the Old Testament, and write what the books were? Did Melito or Jesus include any of the so-called deuterocanonical books as scripture? Do the Dead Sea Scrolls provide support for the Masoretic Text for Isaiah and Leviticus? Does the Continuing Church of God use the same Old Testament books as the early Christians? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A free online book of related interest is available titled "Who Gave the World the Bible? The Canon: Why do we have the books we now do in the Bible? Is the Bible complete?" URL:


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