The Feast of Trumpets runs from sunset September 18th until sunset September 19th of 2020.
What are Christian views of the Feast of Trumpets? Should it be called Rosh Hashana like the Jews began to do centuries after God had His Holy Days listed in Leviticus 23? Jews claim this day was also the 6th day of creation when Adam was made--does the Bible support or confirm this? When is the seventh month of the biblical calendar? What is Tishri/Tishrei/Ethanim? Should the Jewish year that runs from 19 September 2020 through September 7, 2021 be more like 5990 or 5781 as the Jews claim? Is there any connection to the Book of Life like the Jews claim? The Jews also claim that this Holy Day has to do with repentance and judgment--does the New Testament agree? Does the Feast of Trumpets have any connection to the seven trumpets of Revelation? What about a possible connection between the last trumpet and the return of Jesus? Should Christians draw comfort from observing this festival? What have different Church of God writers (like George Kackos and Herbert W. Armstrong) written is the meaning of the Feast of Trumpets? What about Ambrose of Milan? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more (plus also attempts to blow a ram's horn known as a shofar as well as a silver trumpet known as a chatsotserah).
A written article is available titled "Trumpets: Christian and Jewish Views of that Feast," URL:
A free online booklet of related interest is also available titled "Should You Keep God's Holy Days or Demonic Holidays?" URL: Should You Keep God's Holy Days or Demonic Holidays?