Do you know much about faith? Do you know how important faith is? Jesus said, that along with mercy and judgment, faith was one of the weightier, more important, matters of the law (Matthew 23:23). His disciples realized that faith was important. What is faith? Does it go beyond simply believing? Are we just supposed to have faith in Jesus or also the faith of Jesus? What about works? Are we saved by faith or works? What about suffering? What about our eternal reward? Are we to trust God and resist the Satan the devil? Is faith mainly a feeling or conviction? What did the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong, write about what faith was and was not? Should you be able to prove that there is a God, prove Jesus is the Messiah, and prove that the Bible is true/ Should you contend for the original faith? Are there books and booklets that will help you with all of those? What about prayer? What about increasing faith?
A free online booklet of related interest is available titled "Faith for Those God has Called and Chosen" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/Faithfortho...
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