CBS reported the following;
A commonly used artificial sweetener is associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, according to Cleveland Clinic research.
The sweetener is called erythritol.
Dr. Stanley Hazen of the Cleveland Clinic said the sweetener is made inside our bodies and can be consumed through processed foods.
They discovered those who have higher blood levels of this sweetener are at higher risk for cardiac events over three years.
Even healthy people given a single serving saw elevated blood levels associated with clotting risks for several days. 03/26/23
The report was based on a National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded study. Here is information from the NIH website:
An NIH-funded research team led by Dr. Stanley Hazen at the Cleveland Clinic examined the relationship between erythritol and heart attacks and stroke. In an initial study with more than 1,000 people, the team looked for compounds in blood whose levels were linked to future cardiac risk. They tracked major adverse cardiovascular events over three years, including death and nonfatal heart attack or stroke. Results appeared in Nature Medicine on February 27, 2023.
The team found that elevated levels of erythritol and several related artificial sweeteners were associated with the risk for cardiovascular events. To confirm this result, the researchers examined two more groups of people in the U.S. and Europe totaling almost 3,000. They also developed a method to better distinguish erythritol from related compounds.
These measurements reproduced the association between erythritol and cardiovascular events. People with the highest erythritol levels (top 25%) were about twice as likely to have cardiovascular events over three years of follow-up as those with the lowest (bottom 25%).
Next, the team wanted to better understand how erythritol might increase these health risks. So, they exposed human platelets, which control blood clotting, to erythritol. Doing so increased the platelets’ sensitivity to blood clotting signals. Increasing blood erythritol levels also sped up blood clot formation and artery blockage in mice.
The scientists next asked how diet affects erythritol levels in people. To find out, they measured blood erythritol levels in eight healthy volunteers after drinking a beverage sweetened with erythritol. Blood erythritol levels increased 1,000-fold and remained substantially elevated for several days. For at least two days, the erythritol levels grew more than high enough to trigger changes in platelet function.
These results suggest that consuming erythritol can increase blood clot formation. This, in turn, could increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. Given the prevalence of erythritol in artificially sweetened foods, further safety studies of the health risks of erythritol are warranted.
“Sweeteners like erythritol have rapidly increased in popularity in recent years, but there needs to be more in-depth research into their long-term effects,” Hazen says. “Cardiovascular disease builds over time, and heart disease is the leading cause of death globally. We need to make sure the foods we eat aren’t hidden contributors.” 03/14/23
Now, the clotting issue is interesting as it may not be entirely from erythritol as it may partially be related to other factors like viruses, COVID, and/or some of the COVID ‘vaccines.’ Blood clots were were a “side-effect” from the Johnson shot and could have been involved with the mRNA shots–plus clots were an issue with some who got COVID.
But, even if the clots have nothing to do with COVID or the shots for it, there have long been other health problems associated with artificial sweeteners.
For example, did you realize that the artificial sweetener aspartame could be increasing the risk of dementia?
Notice the following report:
(Natural News) The most popular yet infamous artificial sweetener on the market just got tagged by two highly credible science studies as being correlated with accelerated brain aging. On the hook for causing smaller overall brain volume, a significantly smaller hippocampus and poorer memory, not only was aspartame implicated in the science studies, but “regular” soda also. Most people know that soda is loaded with sugar but did anyone know their brains were being damaged, or could they even realize it themselves?
Aspartame is made in a laboratory using genetically modified bacteria that causes brain damage and dementia
Americans consume more than 10 million metric tons of sugar every year. Millions of consumers believe the only way to get their sweetness without sugar is to consume artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose and sorbitol, but there’s a steep price to pay for all this “sweet misery.” Now, new research shows that fructose and aspartame are both health criminals that do much more damage to the brain than the brain-damaged consumers can ever imagine.
Of course, no one or two clinical studies are the “be-all and end-all” of the conclusion about these toxic products’ effects on the body and brain, but let’s be honest with ourselves – filtered water and organic tea are safer than consuming any drinks made by corporations in laboratories using genetically modified corn sugar and genetically modified bacteria. Certainly the CDC is not interested in protecting Americans from soda or diet soda, or they would step in and conduct further scientific studies like these two.
There have been other issues associated with artificial sweeteners reported before at this COGwriter Church of God News page.
Notice the following reports about diabetic and obesity dangers associated with artificial sweeteners:
Could Artificial Sweeteners And Diet Soda Also Lead To Diabetes?
April 23, 2018
Artificial sweeteners may have zero calories, but do they offer zero additional risk for developing diabetes? Well, if you attended a presentation at the Experimental Biology 2018 conference in San Diego, you may say, rats, the risk may be far from zero. …
The study presented by Brian Hoffmann, George Ronan, and Dhanush Haspula from the Medical College of Wisconsin suggested that things may not be that sweet for artificial sweeteners. They did a combination of in vitro (which essential means inside a test tube or similar equipment) and in vivo (meaning in a live animal) experiments using rats that were specially designed to be more susceptible to developing diabetes.
Why zero-calorie sweeteners can still lead to diabetes, obesity
Increased awareness of the health consequences of eating too much sugar has fueled a dramatic uptick in the consumption of zero-calorie artificial sweeteners in recent decades. However, new research finds sugar replacements can also cause health changes that are linked with diabetes and obesity, suggesting that switching from regular to diet soda may be a case of ‘out of the frying pan, into the fire.’
Artificial sweeteners are one of the most common food additives worldwide, frequently consumed in diet and zero-calorie sodas and other products. While some previous studies have linked artificial sweeteners with negative health consequences, earlier research has been mixed and raised questions about potential bias related to study sponsorship.
This new study is the largest examination to date that tracks biochemical changes in the body–using an approach known as unbiased high-throughput metabolomics–after consumption of sugar or sugar substitutes. Researchers also looked at impacts on vascular health by studying how the substances affect the lining of blood vessels. The studies were conducted in rats and cell cultures.
“Despite the addition of these non-caloric artificial sweeteners to our everyday diets, there has still been a drastic rise in obesity and diabetes,” said lead researcher Brian Hoffmann, PhD, assistant professor in the department of biomedical engineering at the Medical College of Wisconsin and Marquette University. “In our studies, both sugar and artificial sweeteners seem to exhibit negative effects linked to obesity and diabetes, albeit through very different mechanisms from each other.”
Hoffmann will present the research at the American Physiological Society annual meeting during the 2018 Experimental Biology meeting, held April 21-25 in San Diego.
The team fed different groups of rats diets high in glucose or fructose (kinds of sugar), or aspartame or acesulfame potassium (common zero-calorie artificial sweeteners). After three weeks, the researchers saw significant differences in the concentrations of biochemicals, fats and amino acids in blood samples.
The results suggest artificial sweeteners change how the body processes fat and gets its energy. In addition, they found acesulfame potassium seemed to accumulate in the blood, with higher concentrations having a more harmful effect on the cells that line blood vessels.
“We observed that in moderation, your body has the machinery to handle sugar; it is when the system is overloaded over a long period of time that this machinery breaks down,” Hoffmann said. “We also observed that replacing these sugars with non-caloric artificial sweeteners leads to negative changes in fat and energy metabolism.”
So, which is worse, sugar or artificial sweeteners? Researchers cautioned that the results do not provide a clear answer and the question warrants further study. It is well known that high dietary sugar is linked to negative health outcomes and the study suggests artificial sweeteners do, too.
“It is not as simple as ‘stop using artificial sweeteners’ being the key to solving overall health outcomes related to diabetes and obesity,” Hoffmann added. “If you chronically consume these foreign substances (as with sugar) the risk of negative health outcomes increases. As with other dietary components, I like to tell people moderation is the key if one finds it hard to completely cut something out of their diet.”
A few recent studies suggest that consuming fake sugar actually trains your insulin response to store more fat, not less. Basically when you consume real sugar, your tastebuds send an alert to your pancreas that says, “Hey, calories are on the way! Prepare to produce insulin!” The insulin then helps break down the sugars, which either provide immediate energy or go into fat cells for storage. If your body interprets something as sweet when there’s not really sugar on the table, though, it may end up producing that same insulin response. So that diet soda is still prompting your pancreas to store fat, even though you’re not getting to enjoy real sugar—your brain can tell the difference. Artificial sweeteners don’t trigger our reward circuits the same way, so you don’t get the satisfaction of ingesting sugar.
And on top of that, constantly pumping up your insulin response eventually leads it to malfunction. This is essentially what happens in type 2 diabetes, but can occur to a lesser—but still harmful—extent in otherwise healthy people. Eventually your pancreas starts producing too much insulin in response to all food, making you pack on the pounds.
This whole theory is still being tested, but it’s in line with what we observe in people who drink diet beverages: they tend to gain weight. 04/18/18
Decades ago, I was a member of the Society for Experimental Biology. This group was more likely than many others to look into matters that are not as ‘commercially-correct’ than some other nutrition-related groups. Generally speaking, there is more money to be made to write papers supporting the food-processing industry than to expose problems with their synthetic ingredients, etc.
For years, at this COGwriter news page, I have warned against artificial sweeteners. I have also warned against synthetic vitamins. Perhaps I should mention that while the American Diabetes Association basically claims that vitamins do not prevent or treat diabetes, this is based on their bias to look at synthetic vitamins and inorganic minerals, as opposed to the real–food–kind of vitamins and minerals. As far as glycation-matters go, I co-authored a paper on some of this a while ago. Here is a link: Can Cognitive Deterioration Associated with Down Syndrome be Reduced? Though it is not stated in the title, the paper does discuss the impact of vitamins and minerals of glycation associated with diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
Want some biblical support to avoid the artificial “foods” that many promote?
Consider the following scriptures:
2 Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good (Isaiah 55:2).
Avoiding artificial sweeteners, chemical additives, excess refined sugar, and some other items commonly associated with junk foods is consistent with the warning to eat what is good.
Now, related to food, we put out the following video:
Let’s Talk About Food
The Bible says to eat what is good. Does the Bible give any information on what to eat and not eat? What happened in the Garden of Eden? What about Noah? What are clean and unclean animals? Did early Christians avoid biblically-unclean animals? What are some of the health risks associated with eating pork, shellfish, and bats? Are pigs associated with the flu? Could bats have been involved related to the corona virus pandemic? Should humans consume blood? What are enzymes? Can raw foods aid in health? Is the typical US diet deadly? What about processed foods? Is eating refined sugar necessary? How were vitamins discovered? What about United States Pharmacopeia (USP) vs. food vitamins? Are most mineral supplements composed of processed rocks? What about genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)? What about sodas and other beverages? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more.
Here is a link to the sermon: Let’s Talk About Food.
Related to Christian health, we put out the following video:
Let’s Talk About Health
While the Bible focuses on the spiritual, it also has information on the physical. Does God want Christians to be in good health? What about the use of medications? What about supporting the immune system? Should Christians smoke or use marijuana? What about alcohol? Are there any risks from electromagnetic fields (EMF) or radiofrequency (RF) radiation? What about cellular telephones and 5G? Are Christians supposed to exercise? Can exercise improve brain function and reduce the risk of cognitive decline? Are we to avoid laziness and minimize junk foods? Does the Bible condemn obesity and gluttony? What can help with weight loss? Can you eat too much honey according to scripture? Are there health benefits to fasting? Should we rest on the Sabbath, honor our parents, avoid sexual immorality, and keep God’s commandments? What about prayer and health? Dr. Thiel discusses these matters and concludes by summarizing 26 matters for Christian health.
Here is a link to the sermon: Let’s Talk About Health.
Many people do not often eat what is good. Many eat too many chemically-laced, highly-processed foods. Many eat a lot of white bread, which is really not real bread as it has had the wheat germ and other natural components removed. This makes an inferior product which then is sprayed with synthetic B vitamins and other “nutrients” to “fortify” it. If you notice “B vitamins” added to “fortify” refined grain products or in so-called “natural” vitamin supplements (like thiamin mononitrate, thiamin HCL, folic acid, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin), realize that these are basically petroleum derivatives and are not the same form of vitamins that are actually found in real, natural, food (see also the animations: Vitamin Tricks: Are your vitamins really food or something else? and Vitamin Tricks: More is Not Better).
Despite the truth, most people (over 98%) who take typical vitamin supplements believe that whatever they take is actually natural and does not have the risks that researchers keep finding that typical vitamin supplements have. This is a false belief. The truth about vitamins in supplements can be known (see The Truth About Vitamins in Nutritional Supplements), but most do not want to learn and then act on the truth.
It is a lot like religion. False religion is also artificial and it DOES NOT BRING salvation.
Because of tradition, family influence, and/or social pressures, most people (over 99%) have a faith (religious, atheistic, or agnostic) that is based upon false belief.
Ignoring eastern faiths which do not even claim Jesus, let’s simply state that those who have studied early Christianity and the Bible honestly realize that what is practiced by the Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox is in massive contradiction to the “faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). The same can also be said of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Messianic Jews, Seventh-day Adventists, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons).
The reality is those in those religions tend to have a false understanding of salvation and do not understand God’s plan. The truth about the early Christian church and what happened to it can be known (see Continuing History of the Church of God). Where the most faithful Christian church is can also be determined (see Where is the True Christian Church Today?).
Jesus said:
23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:23-24)
8 “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. 9 And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. (Matthew 15:8-9)
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ (Matthew 7:21-23)
Most WILL NOT WORSHIP GOD IN TRUTH, but instead cling to falsehoods and false traditions. (for details on some, check out the free online booklet: Should You Keep God’s Holy Days or Demonic Holidays?). Many use Jesus’ name, but He says He will say to many that He does not know them.
Like those who swallow a lot of artificial sweeteners try to convince themselves that they are helping, and not harming, themselves.
Nearly all take false beliefs into their hearts and minds all the time. They hope, despite the truth, that physical benefits and/or spiritual salvation will come from faiths built upon falsehood.
Consuming large amounts of artificial sweetener can increase the risk of diabetes, obesity, dementia, and other diseases. Being a consumer of false religion does not lead to salvation in this age.
To learn more about living as a real Christian, check out our free online booklet: Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian.
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The Truth About Vitamins in Nutritional Supplements
The Truth about Minerals in Nutritional Supplements
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Where is the True Christian Church Today?
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Continuing History of the Church of God: c. 31 to c. 300 A.D.
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Continuing History of the Church of God: 17th-20th Centuries
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