Sardis Church Era: Beginnings, Doctrines, and Leaders

Rebuilt Gymnasium in Sardis

Rebuilt Gymnasium in Sardis


The Bible tells of 7 churches in the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation. Sardis is the fifth. It rose to prominence in the late 16th or early 17th centuries. Early Church of God leaders looked to include John Traske, John Pecke, Peter Chamberlen, John James, William Saller, Henry Soursby, possibly John Maulden, and Thomas Lucas, all of whom seemed to have some connection to the Mill Yard church in London. Over in the Americas, early COG leaders look to have included John Maxson, Jr., Joseph Crandell, John Maxson, Nathan Rogers, Joseph Davis, Peter Davis, and possibly John Cottrell and Asa Bee. Some Sabbatarians were Calvinist Protestants, like Stephen Mumford, who we in the Continuing Church of God do NOT trace our leadership to. The Sabbath-keepers considered to be Particular Baptist were not COG, whereas many Sabbatarians sometimes called General were. COG doctrines such as the Passover on the 14th, observing Days of Unleavened Bread, avoiding biblically unclean meats, beliefs in a millennial reign, laying on of hands continuity, and footwashing, were part of the early Sardis era. This is the first part of an intended two-part sermon series.

A written article is also available titled "The Sardis Church Era" URL: