Peter's Position and Location

Improperly Claimed Tomb of Peter

Improperly Claimed Tomb of Peter


Peter was the 'Apostle of the circumcision,' meaning the apostle to direct reaching people who descended from the patriarch Israel. Where did he work? Was he Jerusalem? Was he in Asia Minor? What about Antioch? Did the Apostle Peter possibly found the Church of Rome? What have Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholic scholars written? Where is Babylon of 1 Peter 5:13? Did Herbert W. Armstrong of the Worldwide Church of God teach that Peter was the predominant chosen "one man" that God used to direct the early church when he was alive? Was he succeeded by a presbyter or the Apostle John, while John was still alive? Did Peter die in Rome? What do we learn from his writing in 2 Peter 1? Were Peter's bones found in Rome? What about the Tropaion Gaii and Bishop Cornelius? What did the archaeologist (and Catholic priest Antonio Ferrua) who found certain bone under St. Peter's Basilica state? What did F. Paul Peterson report that Pope Pius XII admitted about Peter's death and bones? Could Peter have died on the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem? What about the ossuary incription “Shimon Bar Jonah” that some believe it may be referring to the Simon Bar-Jonah? What did Catholic priest and archaeologist Bellarmino Bagatti say about that? Did Peter hold doctrines that are inline with the teachings of the Continuing Church of God? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A written article of available interest is available titled "Peter and Rome" URL: