Leaven, Sin, and Purpose

Unleavened Bread


The Old Testament gives instructions related to the Days of Unleavened Bread--but without a lot of details as to the meaning. Do these days have any meaning or purpose for Christians? Does the Bible teach that there is a cause for each effect? What is leaven anyway? Does leaven symbolically picture sin? What is sin? Do Christians sin? Why is sin so bad? What about sin versus righteousness? What's so bad about sin? Can sin affect your position as well as happiness throughout eternity? Do some seem to be hardened to sin? Are Christians, including Laodicean ones, ever puffed up? Why did God create anything? How can sin impact your character and eternity? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled "Leaven, Sin, and Why to Not Sin”

CCOG Youtube sermon link: Leaven, Sin, and Purpose