Artist’s portrayal of the ninth plague of the three days of darkness
What were the 10 plagues that affected the Egyptians in the Book of Exodus? Is there any historical evidence, such as from the 'Ipuwer Papyrus' that any of them happened? Were the children of Israel impacted by any of the plagues? Were any of the Egyptian gods tied in with certain plagues? Are there direct and/or symbolic plagues prophesied in the Bible? What about prophecies in the Book of Revelation? Will there be signs and lying wonders that will deceive those without sufficient love of the truth? Why should God's people in the end times gather together as the prophet Zephaniah wrote? Will there be even worse and wider scale plagues in the future of 'Mystery Babylon the Great' than those that impacted ancient Egypt? Do there seem to be ties between Pharaoh's magicians and Satan's ministers and the False Prophet/Antichrist in the end times? Dr. Thiel provides answers to these questions and more.
A written article of related interest is available titled 'Reasons, Proofs, and Ramifications of the Ten Plagues of Exodus’
CCOG Youtube video sermon link: Exodus Plagues and Prophecies
Related Items:
Reasons, Proofs, and Ramifications of the Ten Plagues of Exodus
Related two-part sermon
Egypt and the Plagues (Part 1)
Exodus Plagues and Prophecy (Part 2)
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