Gregory Thaumaturgus, Signs, and Lying Wonders

Eastern Orthodox Rendering of Gregory Thaumaturgus

Eastern Orthodox Rendering of Gregory Thaumaturgus


Very few people realize how a demonically- influenced leader man from Neocaesarea impacted doctrines in the Greco-Roman church. Gregory the Wonder Worker claimed to receive messages from an apparition he believed was Jesus' mother Mary. He pushed the trinity, an antichrist creed, and the immortal soul teaching. Gregory also is celebrated as a saint by the Roman Catholics for pushing profane entertainment and festivals to attract pagans. He allegedly had the power to cause death by tossing his cloak on someone. The Apostle Paul warned of signs and lying wonders--and said that started in his day--which it did with Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8) also known as Simon Magus. Gregory Thaumaturgus had demonic signs and wonders and said he learned from apparitions. The prophet Isaiah warned about the virgin daughter of Babylon who used sorceries--this is the same mystery Babylon of Revelation 17 that comes to her end in Revelation 18. In this video, Dr. Thiel gives some background about Gregory and warns about those who walk by sight and not faith.

A written article of related interest is available titled "Gregory the Wonder Worker" URL:

Those who would like to learn more about church history may wish to read the free online book titled "Continuing History of the Church of God" URL: