Breaking Bread (Pixabay)
What does ‘eucharist’ mean? Was there any type of ‘eucharist’ associated with what some have called ‘the Last Supper’ or ‘communion’ or the ‘Christian Passover’? What does the New Testament teach? Did any ancient or modern Church of God leaders use the term ‘eucharist’ to mean the ‘Christian Passover.’ What day and what part of the day did early Christians keep the Passover? Was it kept on the night of the 14th of Nisan/Abib or on a Sunday before sunrise? Did Emperor Constantine assert that Passover could only be kept once per year? Is Passover a re-sacrifice of Jesus or a memorial of is? Is Jesus somehow present in the Passover? Is leavened bread and grape fine? Did Jesus use wine and unleavened bread? Does the Eastern Orthodox Bible support the use of unleavened bread? Did early true Christians use Latin incantations in their ceremonies? Do the Bible and the Catholic Encyclopedia teach that early Christians broke bread or if they used a round host? What about the Vatican’s website and the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’? What did Ignatius, Polycrates, and Irenaeus write? Have any writers claimed that IHS stands for Isis, Hoeb, and Seb? Was the Catholic saint Bernandine of Sienna denounced for using the IHS symbol with sun rays? Are there any ancient Egyptian connections to Greco-Roman eucharistic ceremonies? Did Tertullian and Justin Martyr note similarities between their eucharistic practices and Mithraism? What about influence from Valentinus or Marcus? Did the Marcosians connect a women to their mystical ceremony? Do Roman Catholics tie Mary in with their eucharist? Did the old Worldwide Church of God equate the term Eucharist with Passover? Should the word ‘Easter’ be in the Bible? Who were Ishtar and Eostre? Were rabbits associated with Ostara? Dr. Thiel addresses these questions and more.
A written article of related interest is available titled "Early Christianity and the Eucharist?" URL:
Two free online books of historical and doctrinal interest may include:
"Continuing History of the Church of God " URL: and "Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God differs from Protestantism" URL: