17th Century Representation of the Apostle Peter
Are there 'last days' signs or manifestations of the Holy Spirit prophesied? If so, should we be seeing and accepting them today? The Apostle Peter preached a sermon on the Day of Pentecost in c. 31 A.D. where he quoted the prophet Joel. Is that relevant today? Will you believe the word of God? Does any Church of God (COG) have 17 or so confirmed last days' manifestations/signs of Holy Spirit shown in Acts 2:17-18? Should any? Did the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God (WCG), Herbert W. Armstrong taught that there should be a duality to Joel 2:28-29? Are there more than doctrinal differences between the Continuing Church of God and other COGs? What are the seventeen last day's signs that help confirm that God is manifesting His Spirit in the Continuing Church of God? Does God use dreams in the 21st century? Do you have have different criteria than Jesus and the word of God? What about Philadelphians, Sardisians, Thyatirans, and Laodiceans? What work does the word of God point to now? Can you believe the prophets like Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Habakkuk? Will you answer when Jesus knocks? Can you accept the still small voice of prophetic dreams? Dr. Thiel discusses these issues and more in this intended Pentecost weekend sermon.
A written article of related interest is available titled "Does the CCOG have the confirmed signs of Acts 2:17-18?" URL: https://www.ccog.org/does-the-ccog-ha...
A free book titled 'Where is the True Christian Church Today?', is available online at: https://www.cogwriter.com/WhereistheT...