‘White Horseman’ (Wikipedia)
In front of Pope Francis, on October 4, 2019, the Vatican hosted an Amazonian tree-planting ceremony in where people bowed down to a circle around to semi-naked pagan female images. Vatican News promoted this. Some Catholics are concerned that the Amazonian synod is leading to two Catholic faiths: the traditional one and one that is being called the "Amazonian Religion." The Vatican has also been promoting an interfaith agenda with the Jews and Muslims with the "Higher Committee of Human Fraternity," and its first major project, the "Abrahamid Family House" (which is set to open in 2022). Are these good things for Christians? WIll they lead to the rise of Babylonian Beast and Antichrist power? What does the Bible warn about this? Do both the Bible and certain Catholic writings show that the Church of Rome will be betrayed by powers it will align with? Is some type of one world religion being worked on? If so, is the Vatican, World Council of Churches, certain Muslims, and the United Nations involved? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
A written article of related interest is available titled "Vatican continues to promote interfaith agenda, including “Amazonian religion’ paganism" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/religi...
Related to Jews specifically, but all others as well, Dr. Thiel mentioned a free online book titled "Proof Jesus is the Messiah" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/ProofJesusi...