UAE Deal: Peace in the Middle East?

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On August 13, 2020, US President Donald Trump sent out a tweet over Twitter of something called the "Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates;" it is also called the Abraham Accord(s). Many are excited about it as it is the first such deal between Israel and an Arab nation in 25 years. Others have denounced it as counter-productive. The United Arab Emirates has agreed essentially to recognize Israel if it does not proceed now with the annexations of Samaria, etc. it had planned. Although it is being hailed as a "historic peace deal," a senior Palestinian official and negotiator named Saeb Erekat, said on August 14, 2020, “You are rewarding aggression. … You have destroyed, with this move, any possibility of peace between Palestinians and Israelis.” On the other hand, Breaking Israel News has suggested that this deal fulfills prophecies in Psalm 133:1 and Genesis 16:12 related to Ishmael and Jacob--is that true? Will peace come to the Middle East? Does Daniel 9:26-27 talk about a seven-year temporal peace deal coming to the Middle East? Will the prince, who becomes the King of the North, confirm this deal and break it after 3 1/2 years? How do we know that it is a European (a descendant from the peoples of the ancient Roman Empire) confirm it? Will most be deceived by false claims of a humanistic, Satanic, peace? Will many Christians not understand? Is the confirmation of a coming deal a countdown to the start of the Great Tribulation, the destruction of the USA (Daniel 11:39) and its Anglo-Saxon descended allies, as well as the destruction of a confederation of Middle Eastern and North African peoples led by one the Bible calls the King of the South (Daniel 11:40-43)? Will humans bring real peace or do we need the return of Jesus and the establishment of the millennial portion of the Kingdom of God to do that? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

Articles (and one booklet) of related interest include:

How Will Middle East Peace be Brought About? URL:

The 'Peace Deal' of Daniel 9:27 URL:

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God URL:

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