(From Public Domain Pictures)
In the past couple of years, the USA has changed and looks to never be the same as a result. Michael Snyder noted, "If you would have told someone two years ago that in 2021 millions of people would run around wearing masks all day and that the federal government would be relentlessly pushing a large scale mass injection campaign, that person probably would have thought that you were nuts. But now this is the “new normal”. Our freedoms and liberties have been permanently eroded." Should multi-trillion dollar debt increases be considered normal? What about the warning in Habakkuk 2? What about 'Pride Flags'? What about the LGBTQ+ agenda? Are we declaring our sins as Sodom? What about the dangers of the so-called 'Equality Act' which will strip religious freedoms? What about the increased generational acceptance of abortion and sexual immorality? Are there prophecies in the Old and New Testaments that warn against much of what more people in the government and media promote as the 'new normal'? Could the end of America happen within the next decade? What should Christians do? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
A written article of related interest is available titled : 'MS: Thoughts On The “New Normal” And The Things That We Are Losing As A Society…'