Serapion of Antioch: A COG Christian?


The Greco-Roman-Protestants tend to teach that Serapion, Bishop/Pastor of Antioch (c. 190-211) was a true and faithful Christian. Serapion warned against Montanism, the rise of a lying confederacy, and the falsely named 'Gospel of Peter.' He was in fellowship with Quartodeciman Church of God leaders, such as Apolinarius of Hierapolis of Asia Minor. Did he denounce those who held a doctrine of Antichrist? Did he denounce the anti-Sabbatarian Marcion of Pontus, Marcianus, and the Doetae? Would he have kept Passover on the 14th of Nisan/Abib and NOT 'Easter Sunday' like Alexander of Aelia Capitolina and Clement of Alexandria promoted? Did he teach that the books of the Bible had been "handed down to us"? Could Serapion have had true apostolic succession? Although he is on the succession list of the Syriac and Eastern Orthodox of Antioch lists, did he hold Church of God (COG) or Greco-Roman doctrines? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled "Serapion of Antioch" URL:

A free online book titled "Continuing History of the Church of God" is also available. URL: