Heat records were set in over 118 locations during the Summer of 2018. Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America all had major heat waves. The hottest recorded rain also occurred in the Summer of 2018. Beyond heat related deaths and discomfort, were there other impacts on flora, fauna, and the environment. Does God control the weather? Does God promise good weather for obedience and warn of fire and other weather problems for disobedience? Is what has been happening consistent with the beginning of sorrows and troubles Jesus spoke about? Is worse heat coming according to Bible prophecy? What about sin and repentance? Does the United Nations have the answer? What about the good news of the Kingdom of God? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
A written article of related interest is also available titled "Weather Blessings and Sorrows" URL: http://www.cogwriter.com/weather-sorr...