Must Christians use 'Sacred Names'?

Mesha Stele (c. 800 B.C.) contains the word translated as ‘Yahweh’ (Neithsabes)

Mesha Stele (c. 800 B.C.) contains the word translated as ‘Yahweh’ (Neithsabes)


Some have claimed that according to Acts 4:12, unless you use the name 'Yashua' you cannot be saved. Is that true? What names are in Acts 4:10-12? What are the names of God in the Old Testament? What are the names of God in the New Testament? Is the name Jesus a linguistic derivative of the pagan god Zeus? Does the New Testament record God's Son using sacred names? Does the New Testament use the precise Hebrew 'sacred names' of Yahweh/Yahveh or Yashua? If the name Jesus is not actually in the New Testament, what is the actual name used? What about the terms 'Lord' and 'Christ'? Is it proper to use the term 'Lord'? Who did the Messiah pray to? Who did the Messiah say to pray to? Did early Christian teach 'sacred names'? What is the truth on these matters? Dr. Thiel answers these questions and more.

A detailed written article of related interest is available titled "The Bible, Church History, and Sacred Names" URL: