Major Kabbalist Says Messiah is Imminent

Kaballistic Tree of Life

Kaballistic Tree of Life


Kabbalist Rabbi Dov Kook claims that the torrential rains in Israel during the Spring of 2018 is a sign that the coming of the Messiah is imminent. In addition to claiming to receive a supernatural message from Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, he pointed to other Jewish accepted writings as proof that this is so. In 1217, another Kabbalist, Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel, made predictions that came to pass centuries later. Are these to be relied on? What did the Apostle Paul warn of in the latter times? Is rain predicted before Jesus returns? What did Jesus teach would happen before He returned? What does Matthew 24 show will happen before Jesus returns? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A related written article is available titled "Rabbi claims rains in Israel mean Messiah’s coming imminent: But what about the Bible?" URL: