Meditation for Faithful Christians

Author: Dr. Bob Thiel. Narrator: James Martenet.

Prayer, Bible study, fasting, and meditation, these are all areas that faithful Christians should be involved in.

One could say that Christian meditation is the process of deliberately focusing on specific thoughts (such as a Bible passage) and reflecting on their meaning in the context of the love of God and the wisdom of His commandments.

Living in California, you often run into people who meditate or advise meditation. In general, the more common types of meditation that are suggested are Eastern forms, such as those that may be associated with yoga.

While there is value in meditation, is that the type that the Bible endorses?

If not, why not?

This booklet will go over some aspects of Eastern meditation, numerous scriptures as well as various Church of God perspectives on meditation.

The New King James Version of the Bible has the terms meditate, meditates, and meditation 29 times. Plus, the word think and thinks 69 times. What goes on in your mind is important to God.

By reading and praying about meditation, you should have many reasons why faithful Christians should meditate as well as some tips to learn about things you can, and even should, meditate upon.