Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism

Author: Dr. Bob Thiel. Narrator: James Martenet.

What is a Protestant?

Are all professing Christian churches other than the Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholics Protestant?

What is a real Christian?

What are many of the doctrines that early Christians held that Protestants do not?

What are important teachings related to the Godhead and salvation that Protestantism does not understand?


This book looks into the stated beliefs of these organizations.  Calvinists claim very few of all the human being ever born will be saved.  Followers of Martin Luther claim to believe in "sola Scriptura" - Scripture alone, the Continuing Church of God claims to follow the actions of the Apostles as commanded by Jesus Christ.

But do they?  Do Martin Luther's own words prove he truly believed in "sola Scriptura"?  Does the Bible back up John Calvin's claim that very few humans will ever attain salvation?  Do the actions of the Continuing Church of God truly mirror the actions of the early Apostles?

Dr. Thiel has done exhaustive research into the doctrines and origins of the Protestant faiths and provides the reader with provable, verifiable end notes that allow the serious student of foundations of the Protestant faiths to gain an invaluable understanding of their beliefs.

If you are already a believer in Jesus Christ or just starting to seek the Truth, this book provides excellent insight into the beliefs of Protestantism and the beliefs of the Continuing Church of God.

Why does it matter?  What's the big deal if Martin Luther claims "sola Scriptura" but doesn't really believe it.  Or, what's the problem if Calvinists believe most of humanity will be lost forever, but that's not true either?

Well, isn't that the whole point of believing in God the Father and God the Son in the first place?  Do we want to believe a lie, or do we want to believe the truth?  Whatever the truth turns out to be, isn't that our goal.  Do we want to continue to belong to a faith that isn't faithful?  What would Jesus do?

