YBL, Level 2, Lesson 1: Creation

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In the beginning God made the world. Fox six days God worked. On the seventh day God made the Sabbath by resting. He made this day holy. This is the same Sabbath we keep today.

Level 2 is for children aged 7-8 years.

To read this lesson see our education resource for Level 2, Lesson 1: Creation, refer to pages 2 to 13, available online in this document: CCOG-Level-2-ALL-LESSONS-FEB-2025-Digital-LRB-1.pdf

Youth Audio Bible Lessons - Level 2

  1. Creation

  2. Adam & Eve

  3. Cain & Abel

  4. Noah and the Flood

  5. Nimrod and the Tower of Babel

  6. Abraham Obeys God

  7. Esau and Jacob

  8. Jacob and His Family

  9. Joseph’s Adventures in Egypt

  10. Moses Is Called By God

  11. God Sends Plagues Upon Egypt

  12. Special Feast Lesson: Fall Festival Edition

  13. Special Feast Lesson: Spring Festival Edition