‘Pride’ parade
The United States Department of Education has ordered a school district in Illinois to allow a boy to be able to shower with girls:
November 3, 2015
The Department of Education is demanding that an Illinois school district allow a boy who identifies as a girl and plays sports on a girls team to have full access to the locker room and showers with the girls on the team.
The district has only 30 days to comply, or it stands to lose Title IX federal funding.
“Some things are so profoundly stupid that, the fact is, it’s hard to respond to something like that,” said Liberty Counsel Chairman Mathew Staver, who has also been in the news recently as the lead counsel for Rowan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis
The federal government’s decision follows a 2013 legal challenge to Township High School District 211 that the boy filed through the American Civil Liberties Union. The district allowed the unnamed male to play on the girls team since he identifies as female but refused to allow him to dress and shower with the girls.
“All students deserve the opportunity to participate equally in school programs and activities – this is a basic civil right,” Assistant U.S. Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon said in a statement Monday.
The district issued a statement in disagreement with the Department of Education ruling, saying its top concern was protecting the privacy of its students.
“We do not agree with (the DOE’s) decision and remain strong in our belief that the District’s course of action, including private changing stations in our locker rooms, appropriately serves the dignity and privacy of all students in our educational environment,” the statement read in part.
Staver said the district is exactly right.
“To say that this is a basic civil right for a young boy to use a girls shower room and restroom is absolutely absurd,” he said. “Certainly, these girls deserve privacy. They deserve respect. No one would expect that while they’re in the shower, a boy is going to come into the same shower that they’re in.” http://www.wnd.com/2015/11/complete-anarchy-transgender-boy-hits-girls-showers/#uEmptvF0vlsKx2pD.99
November 3, 2015
The U.S. Department of Education is threatening sanctions against an Illinois school district that it says violated anti-discrimination laws when it refused to allow a female transgender student to use the girls’ locker room.
Officials say there was a “a preponderance of evidence” that Township High School District 211, which is based in Palatine, Illinois, failed to comply with Title IX, the federal law that prohibits sex discrimination.
The student filed a complaint with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights in 2013 after she was denied the right to have unlimited use of the girls’ locker room, the Chicago Tribune reports. A solution appeared to be in the works, until school officials put up privacy curtains in the locker room and said the student would be required to use the private area while changing.
Officials in the Township High School District change names, genders, and pronouns for transgender students on school records, and allow those students to use the bathrooms of the gender with which they identify, as well as play on the sports teams for that gender. https://www.yahoo.com/health/illinois-school-district-must-give-locker-room-123444494.html
Let me state that from what I have read the person in question is a boy, not a girl. It is outrageous that actual girls are being disallowed proper privacy and that government officials act like a claimed belief about gender is more relevant than actual gender.
Voyeurism and other perversions are being encouraged. The idea of allowing teenage males to have unlimited access to girls’ locker rooms and showers is absurd.
As far as sports go, if this transgender trash is taken to its logical extreme, there will be almost no females on female sports’ teams. Overall, males are stronger and faster and taller than females. If males athletes claim that they identify as female, they will begin to dominate female sports’ teams. This is not good for females.
The US government is creating ‘rights’ that do not exist in order to take away rights which historically have existed.
Of course, the Bible condemns the whole transgender movement...