CCOG portrayal of the Beast of Revelation 13:1-10
Early this week, Germany held an election and its presumed next chancellor Friedrich Merz pushed independence from the USA:
“My absolute priority will be to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible so that, step by step, we can really achieve independence from the USA,” Merz said Sunday.
Merz added, “I never thought I would have to say something like this on a television program. But after Donald Trump’s statements last week at the latest, it is clear that the Americans, at least this part of the Americans, this administration, are largely indifferent to the fate of Europe.” 02/25/25
He was referring to both trade and military independence. The new reality is that the European Union is now focusing more on military spending and preparation for war without assistance from the USA:
This is how many more soldiers and investments Europe needs to protect itself without the US
28 February 2025
A new report says Europe could face a new aggression within the next decade. Here’s what it needs to defend itself without the Americans.
A new joint report by the Bruegel think tank and the Kiel Institute has warned that new Russian aggression in Europe is “conceivable”, citing NATO claims that Moscow could be “ready to attack within three to ten years”. …
Europe’s national armies have a combined force of about 1.5 million personnel – much more than the current US force in Europe.
The report states that, if Washington does withdraw troops, Europe would need an additional 300,000 servicemen or around 50 brigades. …
With or without America, ‘Europe needs more military capabilities’
But simply raising the number of troops might not be enough, tells Euronews Luigi Scazzieri, from the Centre for European Reform.
“Europeans need to step up their defence whether the Americans leave or not”.
“To generate credible deterrence, you need to have more capabilities, particularly those on which we rely most on the US: Long-range missiles, aerial defences, aerial supply, air surveillance and transportation, for example”, Scazzieri added. …
“With 1.5 million soldiers in service, you don’t need 300,000 more, you need to use them in the right places”, Nicolas Gros-Verheyde, defence and foreign policy journalist, tells Euronews. …
Another way to increase European deterrence would be extending the French nuclear shield, he says.
February 28, 2025
EU foreign policy chief Kallas says “Today, it became clear that the free world needs a new leader. It’s up to US, Europeans, to take this challenge.”
After Donald Trump was elected the first time, Europe formed an alliance called PESCO. Related to that we put out a sermonette video: PESCO and a Great European Army.
Then, a year after Donald Trump left office, Russia began its ‘Special Military Operation’ into Ukraine.
That prompted calls and commitments for more European military spending.
Related to that, we uploaded the following video: Is the European Beast Growing Horns?
After Donald Trump’s re-election, it was reported on 26 November 2024 that:
The Council of the European Union has endorsed conclusions on the Strategic Review of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), a cornerstone of EU defence collaboration. …
PESCO projects are encouraged to address strategic capability gaps, including those relevant to high-intensity warfare. Collaborative opportunities identified through the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) are to be prioritised for efficient resource utilisation.
PESCO is moving forward.
The Bible prophesies that Europe will have a “great army” (Daniel 11:25) and many ships (Daniel 11:40), PESCO and calls for more troops, nuclear weapons, and other weapons by European leaders are consistent with those prophecies.
Europe will be militaristically successful for a time per Revelation 13:3-4 and Daniel 11:39-43.
Europe, itself, will become the aggressor against the USA in the future per Daniel 11:39.
Europe is in the process of spending more on developing additional military technologies.
The Bible shows that a leader will arise in Europe who, though talking peace, eventually will destroy places like the USA, UK, and Canada:
24 His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power;
He shall destroy fearfully,
And shall prosper and thrive;
He shall destroy the mighty, and also the holy people.25 “Through his cunning
He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule;
And he shall exalt himself in his heart.
He shall destroy many in their prosperity. (Daniel 8:24-25)39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain (Daniel 11:39).
25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. (Daniel 8:25, KJV).
23 And after the league is made with him he shall act deceitfully, for he shall come up and become strong with a small number of people. 24 He shall enter peaceably, even into the richest places of the province; and he shall do what his fathers have not done, nor his forefathers: he shall disperse among them the plunder, spoil, and riches; and he shall devise his plans against the strongholds, but only for a time. (Daniel 11:23-24, NKJV)
So this leader gives people the impression that there will be “peace” and is involved in some type of deal. This is the same leader that confirms the covenant in Daniel 9:27. The term is translated as “peace” in Daniel 8:25 is from the Hebrew term shalvah and essentially means security. In other words, this leader will destroy “many” who are under the impression that they are secure because of some type of security and/or trade arrangement. Such arrangements are now commonly referred to as peace deals or treaties.
After a time of crises, Europe is prophesied to reorganize and turn power over to that dictator, which the Bible calls the beast:
12 The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. (Revelation 17:12-13)
Notice more about the Beast:
1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. 2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:1-4)
He will be a successful, military leader and the world will temporarily marvel because of his defeat of the USA, its British-descended allies, as well as a confederation of nations in the Middle East and North Africa led by one called the King of the South (cf. Daniel 11:39-43).
Europe has long been preparing moves to rise up.
Statements and actions by Donald Trump are motivating more and more European leaders to be publicly vocal about what Europe is to d0.
Although many in the USA and elsewhere act like that is not possible, those of us who understand certain aspects of biblical prophecy realize that the Bible shows that:
39 Thus he shall act against the strongest fortresses with a foreign god, which he shall acknowledge, and advance its glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and divide the land for gain. (Daniel 11:39)
The “he” above is the European King of the North. In the 21st century, the “strongest fortresses” belong to the USA and its British-descended allies (cf. Daniel 8:24-25; Isaiah 17:3)–and notice that the Bible says that the power with the strongest fortresses will be defeated.
After the USA and its British-descended allies are defeated, the European King of the North will eliminate the power King of the South power:
40 “At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through. (Daniel 11:40-41)
Notice the the European king will end up with lots of weapons by the time he defeats the king of the South.
What about Russia?
Is Europe right to be concerned that there could be a conflict with Russia in the next ten years?
Notice what something that the Bible prophecies will happen sometime after the King of the South is defeated:
44 But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many. 45 And he shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him. (Daniel 11:44-45)
What is north and east of Europe?
Russia and the lands of Asia.
Will Europe be able to win this?
According to the Bible, no:
8 “Move from the midst of Babylon,
Go out of the land of the Chaldeans;
And be like the rams before the flocks.9 For behold, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon
An assembly of great nations from the north country,
And they shall array themselves against her;
From there she shall be captured.
Their arrows shall be like those of an expert warrior;
None shall return in vain. (Jeremiah 50:8-9)2 “Lift up a banner on the high mountain, Raise your voice to them; Wave your hand, that they may enter the gates of the nobles. 3 I have commanded My sanctified ones; I have also called My mighty ones for My anger–Those who rejoice in My exaltation.” 4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains, Like that of many people! A tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together! The LORD of hosts musters The army for battle. 5 They come from a far country, From the end of heaven–The LORD and His weapons of indignation, To destroy the whole land. 6 Wail, for the day of the LORD is at hand! It will come as destruction from the Almighty. 7 Therefore all hands will be limp, Every man’s heart will melt, 8 And they will be afraid. Pangs and sorrows will take hold of them; They will be in pain as a woman in childbirth; They will be amazed at one another; Their faces will be like flames (Isaiah 13:2-8).
17 “Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, Who will not regard silver; And as for gold, they will not delight in it. 18 Also their bows will dash the young men to pieces, And they will have no pity on the fruit of the womb; Their eye will not spare children. 19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, The beauty of the Chaldeans’ pride, Will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. (Isaiah 13:17-19)
11 Make the arrows bright!
Gather the shields!
The Lord has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes.
For His plan is against Babylon to destroy it,
Because it is the vengeance of the Lord,
The vengeance for His temple. (Jeremiah 51:11)
The Medes include people in Russia, Belarus, lands claimed by Ukraine, and other areas.
European leaders, however, do not take biblical prophecies like these seriously.
Basically, they have seen the situation in Ukraine and Donald Trump, and it does not like either. It is scared enough now to support more of the militaristic goals, which in my view will be heavily based on technology.
The news report confirms that Europe wants a great army and more weapons like the Bible prophesies.
Europe’s military goals that will NOT end well for the United States (cf. Daniel 11:39), the Middle East (cf. Daniel 11:40-43), nor for Europe itself.
UPDATE 03/02/25: We just uploaded the following related video:
European Union wants military independence from the USA
European Union wants to be militarily independent of the USA – check European Union wants a larger military – check European Union wants nukes – check European Union wants this for defensive purposes – Will Europe acquire a great army? Will Europe defeat the Biblical King of the South? Is Europe the King of the North? Will Europe defeat the King(s) from the east? Here’s a big question – will Europe conquer the United States of America? Is the United State of America mentioned in the Bible? These are fascinating questions that will be answered in the very near future. The fact that these conflicts will occur is a certainty as they are a prophesied fact in the Bible in the book of Daniel But when will these conflicts occur? Daniel was told to shut up the words, they were for the time of the end. Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. We are there. This is the time of the end. Dr. Thiel will shine the light on the answers to these questions. One answer, in particular, is sure to stun thousands.
Here is a link to our video: European Union wants military independence from the USA.
That said, there will be good news as after Europe is defeated by a Eurasian power, Jesus will return to establish the millennial kingdom of God.
But before then, we will have tribulation, totalitarianism, and war.
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Unintended Consequences and Donald Trump’s Presidency: Is Donald Trump Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic, Greco-Roman Catholic, Buddhist, and other America-Related Prophecies? Kindle edition is available for only US$3.99. And you do not need an actual Kindle device to read it. Why? Amazon will allow you to download it to almost any device: Please click HERE to download one of Amazon s Free Reader Apps. After you go to for your free Kindle reader and then go to Unintended Consequences and Donald Trump’s Presidency: Is Donald Trump Fulfilling Biblical, Islamic, Greco-Roman Catholic, Buddhist, and other America-Related Prophecies?