Dr. Ben Carson to Newsmax: Celebrating Abortions Is ‘Pure Evil’


As I have written for year, abortion is evil. There are also others that agree:

Dr. Ben Carson to Newsmax: Celebrating Abortions Is ‘Pure Evil’

People celebrating abortions is “pure evil,” Dr. Ben Carson told Newsmax on Saturday.

“All those responses of those people who celebrate killing babies, it’s nothing but pure evil,” Carson told “The Count” on Saturday, reacting to videos on social media of people saying having an abortion is something to celebrate and fetuses should be horribly killed. “It’s antithetical to many of the principles of the founding of our nation where we respect life from the womb to the tomb.” …

Justice Samuel Alito, writing for the majority {on the US Supreme COurt}, said the court held “Roe and Casey (a similar challenge to abortion in 1992 that the court affirmed at the time) must be overruled.”

“The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision,” the draft ruling states. “Including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey rely ­– the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment.”

The court, according to the draft opinion, will instead revert the issue back to the states to decide on.

Backlash from the draft document’s release have caused a number of protests against the potential decision, including at the homes of the justices after their personal addresses were publicized, The Washington Post reported.

Carson said, if the roles were reversed, and conservatives were protesting in front of the homes of liberal justices, those on the left would be lamenting the end of the nation’s democracy. https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/ben-carson-scotus-abortion-protests/2022/05/07/id/1068884/

Abortion is not a constitutional right and the founding documents of the USA state governments exist to insure that inalienable rights, including the right to life, are protected. An unborn baby is alive and has the right to live. No one, including the baby’s mother, has the right to murder an unborn child.

Yes, there are protesters all over the USA incensed that the individual states will be able to decide if murdering the unborn is ‘legal.’ Notice also: …

Read full article: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/doctrine/dr-ben-carson-to-newsmax-celebrating-abortions-is-pure-evil/

Author: Dr. Bob Thiel

Radio News Reporter: James Martenet

Bible News Prophecy Program