Does the Bible have information that can help people who want to have a happier marriage and avoid divorce? Do any modern studies support the advantages of virginity before marriage? Should dating couples follow the standards of Hollywood and the world or scripture? What are some activities that could be done on a date? Who should pay for a date? How should one dress for a date? What does the Bible teach about fornication and sexual morality? What about love? What about lust or "falling in love"? …
Man of Sin: False Prophet or ?
Louis Rubin goes into views many in the various Churches of God have about the identity of the "man of sin, the son of perdition" in 2 Thessalonians 2. He gives reasons he has heard that many think that this is the 'false prophet.' What about the popes referring to themselves at the 'vicars of Christ'? He brings up scriptures related to the false prophet, but also the King of the North of Daniel 11, the first and second beasts of Revelation 13, as well as other related matters.
The Millennial Kingdom of God
Did Jesus proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God? Does the Bible teach a millennial reign? Are resurrected saints to be kings and priests and rule with Christ during the thousand year period known as the millennium? Is this world Satan's world according to the Bible and Herbert W. Armstrong? What about Satan during the millennium? Will the world be productive? Will there be peace and prosperity? Is all the world to receive a witness of the coming Kingdom of God? …
Tithing and CCOG Spending
Should the most faithful Christian church be supported through tithes and offerings? Is that biblical? What did the old WCG 'Tithing' booklet teach? Are funds used to fulfill Jesus' commissions in Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19-20? Do funds received by the church fund what the Bible says should be done? What did Jesus say to those sheep who gave to support the poor? If there will always be poor, does it make scriptural sense to support the poor in places like Africa? What about the fulness of the Gentiles coming in and the Ezekiel warning? Does it make sense to spend funds on radio, the internet, and other types of multimedia? What about the production and …
Irenaeus: The Most Dangerous Early Heretic?
Who was the most dangerous early heretic? Simon Magus, Marcion, Valentinus, Justin Martyr, or Irenaeus of Lyon? Why should modern Christians care? Though considered a major saint by the Church of Rome, the Eastern Orthodox, and most Protestants, Irenaeus was hot and cold on doctrine. Could Irenaeus have been the most dangerous of early heretics? Was Irenaeus a binitarian or trinitarian? Was he a millennialist? Did Irenaeus quote apocryphal books as scripture? Did he rely on them and traditions of men to push non-biblical doctrines? Did he claim to know Polycarp of Smyrna and endorse him, but not hold …
24 Items to Prophetically Watch in 2024
In Mark 13:37, Jesus tells His followers to watch world events that will precede His coming. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over 24 items to watch in 2024 and points out events that were related to several of them in 2023: …
Rely on God for Real Success
The only way to have true and real success is to rely on God. This is the third message in a three-part sermon on success. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel cites scriptures, the "Rely on God" sermon from the late Worldwide Church of God Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong, the "seventh laws of success', and goes over the purpose of life which is a mystery to most. He also explains that people turned against God's prophets and leaders, despite the importance God place …
Arguments for Christmas?
This sermon goes over four articles, two from Protestants and two from Roman Catholics, who give their reasons and arguments for why they feel that real Christians should observe the 25th of December as Christmas. The writers generally admit that Jesus was not born then, that the trappings of Christmas are pagan, the timing is pagan (it coincided with the pagan Saturnalia and the birthday of the sun god Mithras), and that Santa Claus is a lie. Dr. Thiel explains errors in their arguments, brings up …
Jesus and Guaranteed Success
Can you have guaranteed success? Yes, according to Jesus and the Apostle Paul. In this second-part of a three part series, Dr. Thiel goes over three more of the "seven laws of success" that were espoused by the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong. These "laws" involve drive, resourcefulness, and perseverance. What about love? Are Christians guaranteed success if they endure and do not give up? What are some of the scriptures that support these success "laws"? …