The Three Angels' Messages

The 14th chapter of the Book of Revelation tells of messages from three angels. Are these messages from humans or three actual angels? Have these messages been going forth since the time of Jesus or are any or all of them for the future? Has Babylon fallen? What did leaders during the Sardis era teach about it? What did the Radio Church of God teach about the three angels messages? …


50+ Laodicean Prophetic Errors

While many seem to believe that all the Churches of God are the same, this is not so. In the end time, most true Christians are Laodicean and not Philadelphian. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel mentions over 50 prophetic errors that Laodiceans, independents, and some of the remnant of Sardis have held to. Dr. Thiel also mentions scriptures that Laodiceans and other non-Philadelphians miss …


CCOG Q&A: Fruit, Priorities, Marriage, Weapons, etc.

In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over questions and answers that the old Worldwide Church of God received. He provides additional scriptures and comments related to the answers that the old WCG provided. Topics covered include when you should have fruit from fruit trees, buying swords, whether or not the Ten Commandments were done away, prioritizing God over relatives, whether or not …


Cancel Culture and Christian Persecution

What did Jesus teach about persecutions? Should Christians expect name calling and being falsely taught against? Did the Apostle Paul warn about this as well as evil deceivers increasing in the end times? Were early Christians ever murderous persecutors? Did Emperor Constantine stick to his religious tolerance 'Edict of Milan' in 313? What about his edict against heretics in 331? What types of persecution did Emperor …


The Biblical Calendar

Did you know that the biblical calendar differs from the commonly used Roman calendar? What are both based on? How do they differ? When does the Bible teach the first month of the year is? What are the names of the biblical months and when do they fall? Did Hillel II invent the 'calculated' calendar in the fourth century or simply make the …
