What is the 'Plain Truth About Christmas'? Dr. Thiel goes through a booklet with that title as well as some writings from the old Plain Truth magazine. He answers questions such as Was Jesus born December 25th?, Did the Apostles and early Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus?, Did many of the Greco-Romans switch from a celebration on January 6th to December 25th? When and why was December 25th adopted? Are there ties to Egypt, Babylon, Odin, and even Nimrod of Genesis 10? Any ties to Semiramis? What about Christmas trees and the 'spirit of Christmas'? What do encyclopedias and historical records reveal? Does the Bible warn about worship involving green trees? Is Christmas listed as one of God's Holy Days?
A free online booklet of related interest, originally published by the old Worldwide Church of God is available titled "The Plain Truth About Christmas"