The Meaning of Atonement

17th Century Depiction of the Binding of Satan

On September 20, 1980 the late Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong (Herbert W. Armstrong) gave a sermon titled 'The Meaning of Atonement' in Pasadena, California. This message was updated with additional scriptures, modifications, and various points in 2024 by Dr. Thiel. Why do two holy days picture the death of Jesus? Is there an application of the Passover for the church age and Atonement for the age to come? Is part of the meaning of the Day of Atonement to show that Satan has a part in our sins and will be driven out? Did Lucifer reject God's way of giving love to his way of selfishness, vanity, and disobedience? Is there more to education that going to grade school or college? Is God a family? Why is there sex? Does the world push immorality? Why did God destroy the world with the Great Flood of Noah's time? Do people have to be called by the Father to be saved? Will those not called during the church age have an opportunity in the 'age to come'? Is Jesus the atonement and our High Priest? Should Atonement also help us realize that we are to cleanse our conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

A written article of related interest is available, also titled 'The Meaning of Atonement’

Sermon Youtube video link: The Meaning of Atonement

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