John Chrysostom (photo by Joyce Thiel)
Many in the Greco-Roman Catholic and Protestant churches consider that John Chrysostom was "Christianity's greatest preacher." Was this eloquent speaker a faithful Christian? Was he an anti-Semite? Did he endorse or condemn God's Holy Days? Did Jesus, the Apostle Paul, Polycarp, and early Christians keep the biblical holy days? Which days are great? Which are essentially pagan-derived? What about Passover, Easter, Christmas, Pentecost, Lent, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles? What about Minerva and Mithras? What did John, called the golden-mouthed, say or write related to these topics? What about his eight 'Against the Jews' or 'Against the Judaizers' homilies/sermons? Did Adolf Hitler's supporters cite John Chrysostom related to their anti-Jewish practices? Should faithful Christians keep God's holy days today? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters.
A written article of related interest is available titled 'John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople and Antisemite
Youtube sermon video link: John Chrysostom and Holy Days
John Chrysostom did not teach nor practice original Christianity.
But we in the Continuing Church of God do.
Several items of possibly related interest may include:
John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople and Antisemite
John Chrysostom and Holy Days (sermon)
Should You Keep God’s Holy Days or Demonic Holidays? This is a free pdf booklet explaining what the Bible and history shows about God’s Holy Days and popular holidays.
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