Orthodox Schisms: What Will Happen?

Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew

Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill


In 2018, after an appeal by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko a growing rift between the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople (Bartholomew) and the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church (Kirill) became a schism. When Constantinople declared that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was 'granted to be ''autocephaly'' (independence), the Russian Orthodox declared this was a schism and broke off Eucharistic communion with Constantinople. Like the 'great schism of 1054,' many see this schism as primarily political and not theological. Will this rift possibly be repaired? If so, will ecumenical unity be temporal? Who is mystery Babylon? Will Russia support the Beast of Revelation 13 and later be a leader in destroying end time Babylon? Dr. Thiel answers these questions and more, plus provides additional historical information.