Moving Towards Marxist Morality?

Dennis Prager (photo by Gage Skidmore)

Dennis Prager (photo by Gage Skidmore)


Is the world moving more towards Marxist morality? What is Marxist morality? How does it differ from Biblical morality? Dennis Prager wrote about how what he calls "the left" have adopted aspects of Marxist morality. Marxist morality is based on certain interpretations of writings of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. Has the USA seen a shift towards socialism in the past 70 years according to Michael Snyder? Is the USA becoming more accepting of socialism according to Harvard? Does the Bible give reasons why? What did the Apostle Paul warn about the last days? Was there a generation prophesied by Jesus and the Book of Proverbs to have a morality similar to those of the Marxists? Will this end up with totalitarian control? Will most people go along with the 'morality' of the Beast? What does the Bible say will happen with those that worship the image of the Beast or take the mark of the Beast? Dr. Thiel addresses these topics.

A written article of related interest is available titled "Dennis Prager on the morality of the Marxists" URL:

Marxist Moralit 21Sept2020.png