Germany Wants To Lead A United Europe

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Various leaders in German have pointed to a more unified, militaristic, and German-led Europe. After Russia's 'special military operation' into Ukraine, Germany declared it would increase its military spending to the third highest level of any nation on the planet? reported that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz wants the European Union to play a powerful and more unified geopolitical role. Does what he is stating consistent with prophecies in the Book of Revelation about Europe reorganizing and turning power over to one called the Beast? Are some in Poland and Hungary (like Peter G. Feher) concerned about the domination of Europe by Germany? Is a European/German leader prophesied as the "King of the North" to make some type of a deal with a leader of nations in the Middle East and North Africa called the "King of the South"? Is that King of the North prophesied to have a great army and many ships? Could the Beast/King of the North be German? Did the old Worldwide Church of God warn back in 1980 that, in the future, the German people be concerned enough about Russia that it would call for a Bavarian strongman to lead them? Does the Bible point to such a leader rising promising peace? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel address those issues.

A written article of related interest is available titled "GFP: Germany as Leading Power … Olaf Scholz wants the EU to play a “geopolitical role.”

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Information on broadcast times for the European Gospel Radio /Short Wave Radio and other radio stations: Radio Stations

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