The island called Patmos is where the last book of the Bible was written in the late first century (see Revelation 1:9).
Should you pay attention to prophecy? Some wonder about that. Some people, called preterists, consider that most prophecy is already fulfilled, which is a wrong and dangerous position to take. Most world leaders look upon preaching the prophecies of WHAT GOD SAYS IS GOING TO HAPPEN as mere fanaticism or religious extremism. As Peter predicted (2 Peter 3:1-12), many tend to spurn, scorn, ridicule, and scoff at the applicability of Bible prophecy. Does God reveal secrets and mysteries to prophets? What about the plan of God? What about Jesus and prophecy? Is the testimony of Jesus the spirit of prophecy? Does the rejection of proper church governance lead to prophetic and other doctrinal misunderstandings? Should we watch world events to motivate us and to better appreciate the word of God? Is prophecy intended to give Christians hope and comfort? Should prophecy help Christians repent and change? Dr. Thiel addresses these and other matters in this scripture-filled message.
A written article of related is available titled: "Why Prophecy?"
Youtube video link: Christians, Why Prophecy?
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