America's Collapse and Russia's Preparations

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America's Collapse and Russia's Preparations
Dr. Bob Thiel & Mr. Steve Dupuie

For the first time ever, the USA is no longer listed in the top ten nations when it comes to global competitiveness. Reasons include lack of social cohesiveness, a polarized political landscape, a slow-moving legislative process, debt, sanctions policies, and immorality. While US President Barack Obama had very cordial relations with Russia in late 2012, that changed afterwards after then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to push aspects of the LGBTQ+ agenda on Russia. After Russia's Sergey Lavrov would not accept such interference in its internal affairs, the USA turned against Russia in many ways. The Washington Post, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal reported that the USA, through its Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), supported the anti-Russian forces in Ukraine against its pro-Russian president in 2014 and supported assassinations, Neo-Nazi Ukrainians, and paramilitary actions against pro-Russian Ukrainians thereafter. Because of USA actions, Russian President Vladimir Putin began a series of actions, starting with the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union, and then more involving the BRICS nations to separate Russia from the West. He also moved towards dedollarization and the accumulation of gold as he and other Russian leaders see that the USA is setting itself up for collapse because of its bullying tactics, increasing debt, and various monetary policies. Some assert that Russia will be in the best position when America collapses. Steps away from the petrodollar by Saudi Arabia and others are putting the US dollar at greater risk for collapse. Is the USA's reliance and promotion of oppression and perversity prophesied factors in its coming destruction? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie discuss these matters and more.

A written article of related interest is titled 'USA’s declining competitiveness and Vladimir Putin’s masterplan for the collapse Of America?'

BNP Youtube video link: America's Collapse and Russia's Preparations

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