Holy Day Offertory: Days of Unleavened Bread

Why would an offering be taken up on the first and last Day of Unleavened Bread? Does this come from the Bible? Does the Bible warn that not giving tithes and offerings is robbing God? Does God promise blessings to those who give? Should the church support ministerial travel according to the Apostle Paul? What about the church using funds to support the poor, widows, and the hungry? Is the Continuing Church of God also using funds to expand the number of translations of the English-language booklet, 'The Gospel of the Kingdom of God'? What about funds to fulfill Jesus' commissions to the church in Matthew 24:14 and 28:19-20? Should the most faithful church be striving to reach those in the North, South, East, and West? How is the CCOG working to do so? Dr. Thiel addresses those matters in this offertory message.

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