Iran in Prophecy

Since the Bible does not mention the term 'Iran,' is Iran mentioned in the Bible? If so, by what name or names is it identified? How might Iranian religious beliefs affect its nation's military actions related to Jerusalem. Are the nuclear negotiations and lifting of sanctions against Iran dangerous? Is Iran the King of the South of Bible prophecy?

The Short Work

What is the 'short work' that the Apostle Paul wrote about in Romans 9:27-28? How have various Church of God writers viewed it? Who is God using to prepare for it? Is the time coming when the work will no longer be able to be done as it has (cf. John 9:4)? What about the 'famine of the word" Amos wrote of? 

France and Prophecy

Does the Bible teach anything about France in prophecy?  Why is France called the eldest daughter of the Catholic Church?  Can we expect troubles, civil unrest, prosperity, and disaster for France?  Will France support the final Beast of the sea power of Revelation?  Like the sons of Jacob betrayed their brother Joseph, will France ultimately betray the end time descendants of Joseph, the USA and the British-descended nations?