Is the European Beast Growing Horns?

Does the conflict between Russia and Ukraine have prophetic ramifications? What about Ezekiel 38? Are we seeing a 'historic shift' in Europe to move towards more unity? What about non-EU nations like Sweden and Switzerland? Is Germany's announcement to double its military spending to 100 million euros a big deal? Does the Bible tell of changes coming to Europe for it to rise up as a Babylonian unity successful military power? What about the United …

Gog, Magog, Vladimir Putin, and Ezekiel 38?

On February 24, 2022, Russia's President Vladimir Putin announced a 'special military operation' into Ukraine. Are Jewish sources correct that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the start of the Gog and Magog war of Ezekiel 38? Are Protestant sources, and people like Trumpet editor Gerald Flurry right that Vladimir Putin is the 'prince of Rosh/Rush'? Does Ezekiel 38 include Russia? What are some of the other …

Metaverse: Metasurveillence 666?

In the Fall of 2021, Facebook changed its name to Meta. Microsoft's Bill Gates and Meta' s Mark Zuckerberg are pushing for something called the metaverse? What is 'meta'? What is a metaverse? Will it be the next logical step in the computer world? Will it bring utopia? Will it instead more facilitate a dystopian world? Does any of this have possible ramifications of 666 control and …

EU's Global Gateway, Trade, and War?

The European Union announced that it planned to spend €300 billion ($340 billion) in a program called 'Global Gateway.' According to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen it is a "true alternative" to China's Belt and Road Initiative, also known as the Silk Road Project. Both the EU and Chinese projects will improve road, ports, and/or other infrastructure to connect with Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Will this result in increased trade for Europe and